Creative Writing

Intent – what will I learn?

This course is designed to increase student’s knowledge and understanding of various grammatical terms and where it would be appropriate to use them. To help students understand and use more creative language ,both spoken and written and produce personal poetry with support.

  • Drama
  • Emotional intelligence & awareness
  • Poetry
  • Showing empathy
  • Reality awareness
  • English grammar
  • English vocabulary
  • Literacy skills

Implementation – how will I learn?

  • Attending Class Tutorials
  • Discussions with tutor and the group
  • Working with other learners and taking part in classroom activities
  • Working on individual tasks with feedback from tutor

How will I know I’m making progress?

Through discussion of your personal goals with your tutor. Questioning, practical activities, completed items of work and feedback from your tutor during the course and the end of course assessment.

Impact – what can I expect to achieve?

  • Verbalise 5 different things that are classed as nouns and place them into the correct place within a sentence.
  • Explain the meaning of 5 different adjectives and place them into the correct place within a sentence.
  • Participate in 3 group sketches that portray contrasting emotions and write a creative description about the sketch (With support).
  • Understand poetic terms ‘metaphor and simile’ and demonstrate their use by producing a short personal poem. (With support).
  • Participate to a group poem by creating one rhyming couplet by independently selecting the correct listed rhyming words.